Silk Road forums

Discussion => Drug safety => Topic started by: doxxerlaw on December 27, 2011, 04:52 pm

Title: How to make Crystal Meth / ICE / Meth?
Post by: doxxerlaw on December 27, 2011, 04:52 pm
Hello everybody!

I'm a new one and I don't know, if it's the right topic here but I've got one question: Exists here a step by step documentation, to make meth? I'm very interested in to make meth by myself. I know it's high dangerous, anyway I want to cook by myself.

Can everybody show me something in the deepweb?  :)
Title: Re: How to make Crystal Meth / ICE / Meth?
Post by: towelie on December 27, 2011, 08:24 pm
Sorry, I couldn't find anything on the "deepweb" but I found this link on the clearweb. 
I think if you have the chemistry acumen you will find success.

Good luck!
Title: Re: How to make Crystal Meth / ICE / Meth?
Post by: doxxerlaw on December 27, 2011, 09:25 pm
Great! Thanks a lot! If anyone is interested, I would, if it works, upload a step by step documentation with pics, filtered from the best one.

Best, Dox
Title: Re: How to make Crystal Meth / ICE / Meth?
Post by: marsvolta12 on December 28, 2011, 09:09 am
there is a famous book called uncle fester methamphetamine manufacture but honestly it is not in anyway worth the risk to you legally or health wise. if u need to make money deal in other things and buy from a manufacturer don't become one.almost all manufacturer's don't last long(there are always anomalies but they are just that).
Title: Re: How to make Crystal Meth / ICE / Meth?
Post by: onlythebest on December 28, 2011, 10:54 am
.....Good Luck....
Title: Re: How to make Crystal Meth / ICE / Meth?
Post by: seirfmuy on December 29, 2011, 10:44 pm
yeah rhodium's a good place to start on your journey. It's in your best interest to read about manufacture for at least 2 months before trying anything. It's also in your best interest to avoid buying any "meth" ingredients on the internet. Stay quiet and don't tell anyone in rl ANYTHING! you might be tempted to go up to your friends and say, "HAY GUYZ! try out this METH, yeah I made it myself!!" but don't. It feels good to tell others what you've accomplish - but don't.

You won't find any "video tutorials" or pop-up picture books on how to manufacture since it would basically mean a person now has an endless, lifetime's supply of METH. In your head, pick the dumbest person you know and give this person an endless supply of meth. Then....Just think of every meth horror story you've ever heard happening to this person. Then... multiply this x20,000 because someone released a video and it's goin viral. Soooo before, lets say there were only 100,000 cooks in the USA and (10%) 10,000 blow themselves up per year. Now that the information is on Youtube, we've got 1,000,000 meth cooks and (10%) 100k people blowing up.

My point is: The info is dangerous and is akin to giving out mortgages to people that can't afford it. Look at where we are now man, the entire world's in a recession. Peeps are going around rioting, protesting, and breaking shit. Many people feel oppressed, and the last thing oppressed people need is an endless supply of life-destroying meth.

But - if you fit this description below, I'd say go for it.
1) you're a super responsible adult
2) you've never been pulled over in your life
3) you're super afraid of the cops
4) you're flush with money because your job income exceeds your spending needs
5) Parents throw their kids at you because you make a great role model
6) Your biggest teen crush was the sunday school teacher.
7) You realized that sunday school teachers fuck strictly with other sunday school teachers. So now you're a sunday school teacher.
8) wow you're life is great.
9) but you love that meth... and you're sick of being labeled a boyscout and you want to do something ultra illegal for once in your life.
10) you wouldn't mind this outcome, because it'll never happen to you.


Title: Re: How to make Crystal Meth / ICE / Meth?
Post by: imprint on December 31, 2011, 01:10 am
unclefester cookbook of meth:

here a manufacture instruction from the parazite sites:
Title: Re: How to make Crystal Meth / ICE / Meth?
Post by: Holy Fyre on December 31, 2011, 03:38 am
You need a factory type set up to make ice. However, I have extensive knowledge making hydrus and that can be done pretty easy if you have basic knowledge and a teacher. I would be careful about the internet guides though because alot of them say things that I feel are incorrect. Plus you need to be careful of your source for hydrus. Some hydrus now has a dye put in it that does not allow for cooking dope. I am not sure how to tell if the dye is in the dope based on the outside of the tank.
Title: Re: How to make Crystal Meth / ICE / Meth?
Post by: thecloser29 on December 31, 2011, 12:07 pm
After having sampled Vortexmilkman and Heisenbergs Meth, I wouldn't even dream of wasting my time or money trying to replicate theirs.

The quality is so good it's just not worth the risk/cost.
Title: Re: How to make Crystal Meth / ICE / Meth?
Post by: GORDENRAMSEY on December 31, 2011, 04:22 pm
After having sampled Vortexmilkman and Heisenbergs Meth, I wouldn't even dream of wasting my time or money trying to replicate theirs.

The quality is so good it's just not worth the risk/cost.

Heisenberg HAS RETIRED
Title: Re: How to make Crystal Meth / ICE / Meth?
Post by: Red Flag on January 01, 2012, 12:00 am
There are tons of guides in many places that will help teach you how to make anhydrous or phosphorous dope. It wont be hard for you to find a guide somewhere if you look hard enough. Once you find a guide try to do everything you can to verify that its accurate. After you know you have an accurate guide its time to study about the chemicals used in the process and to learn everything you can about what you are doing. Making dope is fairly straight forward but it is dangerous and its important to understand why its dangerous. For instance if you are cooking with anhydrous its important to realize that anhydrous reacts violently when water is added. If just 1 drop of water drops into a mixture after you have added the anhydrous gas then the water will cause a reaction that results in fire and an explosion. Its very important to learn things like that before you attempt to cook. Its also important to take the time to learn how to cook well. There is a big different between bad hydrus and good hydrus.
Title: Re: How to make Crystal Meth / ICE / Meth?
Post by: DigitalDong on January 01, 2012, 03:28 am
theres a few good forums out there  (or something close to that). cant post there is only an archive but all the info you will ever need is there.
i recommend taking your time and understanding theory and practice that on somehting easy (ie extracting caffeine from coffee)  this will build your confidence and reaffirm some of the knowledge u just learned. good luck and dont blow yourself or others up... PS if u happen to get annyhydrous ammonia do yourself and everyone a favor ... go to the woods to do that.. anny's stench can carry for a few blocks in right conditions.  use a campfire to help cover that safe!
Title: Re: How to make Crystal Meth / ICE / Meth?
Post by: oppyate on January 01, 2012, 08:21 pm
I've done ALL The Drugs you can name..A-Z since the 80's including Quualudes. What I can tell you for a personal Fact is that Meth leads to the Most Destruction. Both as a Cooker and a user. IMHO
Title: Re: How to make Crystal Meth / ICE / Meth?
Post by: E=daveCĀ² on January 02, 2012, 05:01 am
I'll take a hit to that thanks to vertex. :) Meth's insidious in how it takes over your mind making you do things you'd never consider sober. It changes the way you think, look, and act to the point your family and friends don't even recognize you anymore. I've seen others just as strung out on coke and dope. Those 3 are the worst in my opinion as far as addiction and damage to your body are concerned.

Downers like benzos and opiates have the worst withdrawal because of the physical sickness along with the mental craving. I understand why some people will do anything to get their next fix.
Title: Re: How to make Crystal Meth / ICE / Meth?
Post by: rise_against on January 04, 2012, 02:41 am
and what do you plan on doing with the hazardous byproducts leftover after your meth is created?
Title: Re: How to make Crystal Meth / ICE / Meth?
Post by: F104 on January 04, 2012, 04:06 am
Drugs are bad. Just say no.
Title: Re: How to make Crystal Meth / ICE / Meth?
Post by: seirfmuy on January 07, 2012, 07:20 pm
I was watching a documentary on meth and the dude said that the act of making meth was almost as addictive as doing the drug itself.

So before he was doing meth and doing his favorite activity (like fishing). Then when he learned how to make it, meth became 100% of his life. Dude's life was smoking meth or cooking meth or running around shopping for meth ingredients.

the grass is not greener on the other side. Just sayin.
Title: Re: How to make Crystal Meth / ICE / Meth?
Post by: Torn on January 09, 2012, 08:06 am
I don't think Breaking Bad is actually a documentary... and not to be cliche but Breaking Bad made me want to cook it before I ever tried it.
Title: Re: How to make Crystal Meth / ICE / Meth?
Post by: memCheck on January 10, 2012, 03:30 pm
There are plenty of good guides out there like the previously mentioned Uncle Festers Secrets Of Methamphetamine Manufacture
but they all require a decent understanding of chemistry, you will not find a method summarised in a few sentence long bullet points.

Theres a method called shake and bake which produces low quality meth but is so
easy it can be done in a moving car but thats all i know about it, sounds like a hoax.

And dont be fooled by the leveometh from vicks method.
Title: Re: How to make Crystal Meth / ICE / Meth?
Post by: QTC on January 10, 2012, 04:02 pm
Theres a method called shake and bake which produces low quality meth but is so
easy it can be done in a moving car but thats all i know about it, sounds like a hoax.
The shake 'n' bake (or one pot) method is real, and it does produce low quality crystals. IIRC, it uses lithium strips from batteries, sodium hydroxide, diethyl ether, ammonium nitrate, xylene, isopropanol, hydrochloric acid, a salt, and pseudoephedrine tablets which are mixed together and then agitated. It's pretty dangerous though, which is another reason chemistry is best left to chemists... people didn't learn from Richard Pryor and they won't until they get burnt. *g*
Title: Re: How to make Crystal Meth / ICE / Meth?
Post by: GORDENRAMSEY on January 10, 2012, 04:32 pm

Title: Re: How to make Crystal Meth / ICE / Meth?
Post by: padawan65 on January 14, 2012, 08:56 am
I have read some of these recipes and with the ingredients some list e.g.  acid used to cure cement, drain cleaner, hydrochloric acid - unless I really knew what I was doing I dont think I could be brave enough to try it.
And the ingredients would cost as much as buying from a vendor.
Title: Re: How to make Crystal Meth / ICE / Meth?
Post by: Variety Jones on January 14, 2012, 02:32 pm
If you haven't got a degree in chemistry, or equivalent experience, cooking isn't the place to learn.

Every small meth cook always ends up cooking the cooks too, either from an error -- and any error can be fatally serious -- or as mentioned above, unlimited free meth doesn't usually turn out well.

Successful producers are those with hierarchical organizations with third parties overseeing the cooks, and the cooks are and must remain (hard) drug free. If you can't cook and remain (hard) drug free, cooking is not for you.

Actually, if you have to ask in a forum about cooking, then cooking is not for you, at least not for quite a while. The knowledge you seek takes a while to assimilate, and experience to put into practice.